The TAPP Secretariat is managed by an Executive Director, a Programme Coordinator, an Administrative Officer and an Accountant. At Field Level the Organisation works through the EPA (Extension Planning Area) staff in collaboration with TAPP officers as well as other ministries and NGOs working in the site.

Our Competency and Capability

With a diversity of skills and expertise, TAPP strives to use a holistic approach when addressing client’s needs through working with a multidisciplinary team in addressing all tasks in a professional and timely manner.

The teams which TAPP has are well-balanced with strong skills which mix in conducting baseline studies, mid and end of programme evaluations, value chain analysis, enterprise development, development planning, and socio-economic analysis as well as incorporating cross-cutting issues such as gender, HIV/AIDs, youth and the environment.

TAPP staff consists of people with wide experience who together make a team that is able to give an efficient, excellent and timely delivery of its services.

We believe in excellence and results.

Operational Products/Services.

Through the fourteen years in business Trustees of Agricultural Promotion Programme has evolved and grown to be a leading Local Non-Governmental Organisation in the delivery of the services listed below. These services remain to be key strengths areas over which TAPP can and would work competently taken into consideration of the endowed human, financial and operational capacity.


The Board of Directors and Management of TAPP Malawi would like to acknowledge financial and logistical support from The Royal Norwegian Embassy; NCA/DCA; the Norwegian Veterinary Institute; the Development Fund of Norway; the TRADE Programme; and the Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme (RLEEP).


TAPP appreciates any donations, Please send the donation to: 

The Finance and Administration Officer

TAPP Malawi
P/Bag A21
Lilongwe, MALAWI

TAPP Get support from-

The Board of Directors and Management of TAPP would like to acknowledge financial and logistical support from The Royal Norwegian Embassy; the Development Fund of Norway; and the Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme (RLEEP), a project funded by the Government of Malawi (GOM), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID).

Development Fund of Norway

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

Flemish Government


Our Drive

TAPP Malawi serves to champion the livelihood and health needs of farmers in Malawi. We strive to create spaces for farmers' continued learning and growth in their practice of sustainable farming while ensuring their improved livelihoods and healthy living. 

Important Links
