TAPP Malawi...
Strives to create spaces for farmers' continued learning and growth in their practice of sustainable farming while ensuring their improved livelihoods and healthy living.

Vision & Mission
Our Vision
A Malawi with self-reliant and healthy farming communities!
Our Mission
All our actions are framed around the creation of spaces for farmers' continued learning and growth in their practice of sustainable farming while ensuring their improved livelihoods and healthy living.
Our Thematic Areas
To achieve the long term goal of transforming sustainable rural livelihoods, these principles shall be followed: Professionalism, Meaningful Collaboration and Inclusive Engagement.
Extension Service Provision
A comprehensive training program that provides skills in animal crop husbandry, business/entrepreneurship, and resource..
The organization provides training, consultancy, and feasibility studies in business start-ups, entrepreneurship, and agricultural enterprises.
Asset Transfer for improved well-being of farmers
Facilitate raising of livestock and pass-on.