Trustees of Agricultural Promotion Programme (TAPP) has been a member of the Council for Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi (CONGOMA) since 2006 and a Non-Governmental organization since 2011. Since then, TAPP has handled almost 8 projects and 4 consultancies. Funding in these projects was derived from the Development Fund of Norway, Flemish International Cooperation Agency, European Union Commission through the Non-State Actors, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, Rural Livelihoods Economic Enhancement Program and Capacity Building for Managing Climate Change. To successfully run its operations, TAPP develops a strategic plan every five years. This involves making and executing plans on how to get from one point to another point which is way higher than the previous one. In developing the 2018-2022 strategic plan, some staff members had went for a training on how to develop a strategic plan which was facilitated by the Segal Family Foundation.
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